Mike Walker

Web Development

Recent Work

Hi, I'm Mike

I’m a freelance web developer working with clients around the globe.

For sites that deliver content, I use WordPress to build custom block-based design systems, making it easy to update and improve your website over time.

For sites that sell products, I use Shopify to create and optimize your store for maximum performance and sales.

To discuss a project or to learn more about my work, please get in touch.

Mike Walker

What I do


Modern code

I build websites using the power of modern web technologies. My sites are made for stability, security, and performance on any device.


SEO and accessibility

I'm an expert in technical SEO. I build dynamic, structured content that can be easily used, searched, and shared.

I believe the web should be accessible to everyone, so I build sites that meet WCAG standards for usability and inclusivity.


Interactive design

I'm not a graphic artist; my deliverable is code. I work with designers to create their vision as a seamless experience on the web.